Ready to Run [a 5k]

This morning, I participated in my second 5K race. I didn't think I did too bad, but I know that I had a better time at my last race. I don't tend to think of myself as a super competitive person, but I know it's in my genes, because several of my siblings are SUPER competitive. I ran this 5K with my sister, who is one of the competitive ones. She was pretty nervous, as this was her first 5K, but she really wanted to win...and she DID! :) I'm super proud of her, and I'll settle for my participation ribbon finish. However, while I was being passed by small children and old people, I definitely felt some twinges of competitiveness coursing through my veins.

When I say that I was being passed, I'm not kidding. Quite a few people passed me, especially when I had to take walking breaks. I was a little disappoiunted that I was so tired, as I felt like I had worked out and prepared more for this race than my first one. But, I can take pride in the fact that I finished, and I can be so thankful that I am able to participate in events like this. I have working legs, and I can push my body to work for me. That, in itself, is something to be proud of and thankful for. So, until my next 5K, I'll be working to get stronger and faster, just to staisfy that little competitive spirit that lies somewhere deep inside of me. :)

Love always. - mc
