Adventures at the Vet

Our city requires that residents within the city limits register their dogs. Tonight, our vet clinic hosted a registration and vaccination night, and I [foolishly] offered to take our dog, Luke, to get his shots updated and his 2015 tags. Luke is a fairly well-behaved dog, and does listen most of the time, but tonight's adventure was a bit exasperating.

The instant I grabbed the leash, he was bouncing off the walls with excitement. He knows what the leash means. We made our way to the car, stopping several times to untangle the leash from both our legs. Once safely loaded, Luke had to decide which seat to sit in, which required jumping over the seats a number of times, until he picked the middle seat of our suburban. Until I looked back to make sure he was settled down, I didn't notice the two sheets of packing Styrofoam laying on the middle seat. Even after I saw them, I wasn't too concerned. I rolled down the window for Luke, and off we went to the vet.

When we arrived, I left him in the car, so I could go check in with the receptionist in relative peace. (He gets a bit excited at the vet's office, especially when we see other dogs.) However, the peace was disrupted by high-pitched whining and whimpering coming from the still partially opened window of the suburban. Once the receptionist had our file in hand, I went back to car and retrieved Luke. As soon as we were in the door, he went skittering around the reception area, sniffing and being generally curious, which means I couldn't stand still either.

Finally, it was our turn to have his shots. The vaccinations went perfectly; he doesn't even flinch anymore. We headed back to the waiting room to get his papers and fill out the city registration. While I was trying to sign my name, he was trying to greet all of the registration people. Once we finished up, Luke made a dash for the door. Of course, there were three dogs just outside of the door, and he was excited to see them. We made our way out the door, relatively uneventfully, and I packed him back into the middle seat of the car.

Still quite excited, he started his routine of bouncing over the seats again. This time, though, he didn't miss the Styrofoam. :) He didn't sit down on the ride home, but kept running around the seat, trampling and breaking up the Styrofoam into little pieces that stuck to him and the seats of the car. You know, those little particles of Styrofoam are full of static electricity...

We dashed back into the house, leaving a trail of little foam pieces, and I couldn't help but be thankful that we don't have to do that every day.

Love Always.
