Tornadoes and Dancing Shoes

Saturday, we had quite the bout of weather out here. Rain and hail, some wind (not unusual), and several tornadoes, close enough for the sirens to go off in town. I was getting ready to go to a benefit event at our local country club, but I wasn't in any hurry to head out the door once we were sitting in a tornado warning. While I was waiting it out, I wrote a couple Mothers' Day cards, wrapped a few presents, and braided my hair.

After I was assured by my not-very-worried family members that we were out of any danger, I headed to the country club to spend a few hours listening to live, loud country music, and dancing the night away. The lead singer is notorious for teasing audience members, and I was lucky enough to the be the chosen one. Needless to say, people know you're there when the band leader refers to you from the stage all evening. :) I had a great time, dancing with my girlfriends, and even had a swing dance with one of the guitar players.

This morning, everyone at work was sharing the photos they had taken of the tornadoes (from their back porch, from the car they were chasing it in, etc.). I know it's a typical Tornado Alley event to go outside and watch the severe weather as it descends upon you, but I really have no desire to experience that. I'd rather stay in until the danger passes, then put on my dancing shoes and go out. :)

Love always. - mc
